New Era as New NBK Board is Named

New Era as New NBK Board is Named

KCB Group Plc has inaugurated a new board for National Bank giving fresh impetus to the ongoing integration exercise that is anchored on building a bigger and stronger institution, focusing on people, systems, processes and institutional governance.

The new Board will be expected to provide leadership and guidance to steer NBK through the transition and eventual integration within the KCB Group ~ KCB Group Chairman Mr. Andrew Wambari Kairu.

The Board will be chaired by Mr. John Nyerere, a member of the KCB Group Plc Board. The other board members are Eng. Stanley Kamau, Gen (Rtd) Dr. Julius Karangi, CPA. Jones M. Nzomo, Ms. Linnet Mirehane, Mr. Joshua Oigara and Mr. Paul Russo

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